FINAL Assignment - World Cinema 


          I will choose Director Jack Neo ( SINGAPORE ) as my final project . I will go through his every movie with different period that he directed or become the producer of the movie . And how his movie manage to break Singapore Box office record . And which genre movie that he make the most and which one more easy to accept by audience.How he come in Film/tv Industry , and how singaporean know him and his popurality . I also will do research about how he influcene his idea and make it to a movie . And how his movie can bring the message to audience after watching it . Which movie that makes him become famous in south east asian.


Jack Neo

Story telling

Since young I watched his film ,the first that i watch of his movie is < I'm not stupid 2 > , compare this movie to <I'm not stupid > , obviosly his story telling and camera works is much better than the first one . His movie always have a message , to public , people and also government.

- Money not enough (1998)

This movie is first at Singapore than contain a lot of dialogue that complaining the government . Almost 60% dialogue of this movie is related to government. This is very brave script wrote by Jack Neo and touch audience heart, because the three main character that he set in this movie is actually a mirror for audience, all the climax happen in the movie also happen everyday in Singapore . in 90's, Singapore government want people to speak more mandarin, they make a SMC ( speak mandarin campaign ) , so when Jack Neo wrote this script, he face the problem that the language of this movie, at last he decide to use Hokkien and normal talking style in real life in movie. I love and respect the way he make movie that every movie also have a same thing, real life language, the way he direct the dialogue of actor is natural and acceptable by audience .
Compare to Malaysian chinese movie , our movie don't have the "real " feeling . For me is too fake , the languague , the story . CHIU is a good director , I also watched his movie every year ,Woo hoo , Great Day and also the Journey and the new movie on this year , Ola Bola. His camera work is awesome , art sense , the view that he capture totally show the nature beauty of Malaysia and some scenes of his movie with malaysian culture . But compare with Jack Neo style , Chiu movie are fake , for me , I very hard to get in his story every movie . The actors that he choose are very " commercial " , all looks good and handsome pretty , but their acting all is fake , not nature at all , expecially in OLA BOLA , all those young boy acting not really good .

Jack Neo movie (Ah Boy To Men ) , he manage to direct the young boys with natural acting , because he let those actors speak with their own slang and style. This make the movie more related to audience , because we all speak like this also ! CHIU movie have a lot other's languague such as
Cantonese ,Hokkien , but the way he direct the actors is too fake ! Their Cantonese all copy Hong Kong style , it's not Malaysian style. A lot of difference between mandarin of China, Taiwan and Malaysia. chiu keep using taiwanese professional mandarin style.
And Namewee , his movie I also like because he keep using the original malaysian speaking ways in his movie , when we watch his movie , is more enjoyable . But his story telling skills need to improve compare with Jack Neo .

Jack Neo have a strong message in his movie.

Money Not enough 1 and 2 - is about money is human most stress problem and family more important than money .

I'm Not stupid 1 , 2 and We Not naughty - His aspect as teenagers and student, remind parents is most important that kids be a good person than a good result person . Don't always compare kids result to each other, this will cause the kids confident since young .

Homerun - This movie I can't say that he bring message to audience because he adapted from Iran movie ( Children from heaven ) , but he manage to make a touching storyline for audience also. And also bring some message to Malaysia government about the water problem , in this movie , that's a scene between two gang kids fighting for a Well, its represent Malaysia and Singapore fighting for water issues , it's very politic and cause this movie unable to shown in Malaysia . Because our gouverment not allow politic movies shown in our country . I feel very happy to singapore gouverment that , because they give many freedom for film industry in Singapore and not like Malaysia .


Jack Neo movies camera work is not that special , all are very simple , because he more focus on the story and the dialogue . But start from (AH BOY TO MEN ) , his movie become different , Action scenes and camera work improve much, many special effects and special camera angle , but his story and the message of his movie become worst . (LONG LONG TIME AGO) , this movie totally can compare with (HOMERUN) , same kampung feel movies , but a lot of different changes , I can see that he trying to bring back the kampung feel in (LONG LONG TIME AGO) , but not natural as his earlier movie anymore. IN this movie he play many specail effects , and story and very simple .
Compare to CHIU camera work , CHIU much better than Jack because all the angle that shot by CHIU is beautiful . All the views are very pretty.

Other's STYLE

For me , Ya , Jack Neo is a commercial movies maker , what he care is also money and box office . But , he is much much much better than WONG JING (HONG KONG) ,CHIU those directors . At least Jack movies are strong message , after we watched we will feel something , we will laugh , and we will think . Not like WONG JING , I also watch Wong Jing movies since small and also Stephen Chow movies , I can see their comedy style . Stephen Chow is my idol , and I wanna become like him in comedy style but not totally same like him , compare to Jack Neo , Jack Neo movies comedy points are almost with dialogue that make fun of government and also funny using of language . Stephen Chow movies all is expression , all the comedy ways in his movie is , actor doing stupid things with very very very serious expression and make people laugh a lot , this helps make a lot of box office .

In a interview on 2013, Jack Neo said , it's more easy to send and tell a story to audience with comedy way , because more easy accept by audience . Hard to see Jack Neo's movie totally without 1 laughing point . Because he trying to catch the tempo , never let audience feel boring . He trying to keep audience in the story and same like what Stephen Chow do . But , WONG JING, he is like , spaming all little stupid jokes in his movie , is non stop spaming. This make we cant enjoy the storyline , but also Wong Jing movie's all are with suck story . Audience just pay for have fun . But not for me.

From Jack Neo latest movie (Long Long Time Ago), I can see he trying to make money ,is not a good movie . He divide this movie for 2 part for box office . actually he can make it in 1 movie and will be nice . But , in Singapore and Malaysia , is hard to find director like Jack Neo who brave to touch sensitive issues and put it in his movie . He is a agent between people and government, his movie can tell many feelings of Singapore people to government.
Jack Neo is a very clever person who can catch what points audience will laugh . Before he go movie's, he is a host of funny show in singapore , it's make a lot of singapore tv records . The character Liang POPO ( Grandma Neo ) make's people know him and help his future career also .


Every time when I was alone, I will feel missing and confuse about my future. But after I watch Jack Neo movies and Stephen Chow movies, My passion will increase again !As a film student,we need to study a lot of greats film maker's. But first , we must need to determind which style of film that suitable for us. Because different people grown up in different culture. Watch different style and country of movies. I
love Stephen Chow , I love Jack Neo movies. I enjoy watching the way Jack Neo bring out Singapore and Malaysia chinese culture in his movie. And next time I will make movie like Jack Neo and Stephen Chow . Because I love make people smile,make people laugh ,help people realease stress! I want bring a lot of joyful and let all the world know Malaysia culture !
And Thanks Sir teach us many world cinema knowledge and also open our mind to world film industry .



          Article about Ang lee . I watched ( Lust , Caution) before and after read the article . I agree with the writers that he mention Ang lee manage to combine culture of eastern and western countries in his movie . 
          His style movie for me is special . Because he grow up in taiwan with chinese culture and adult time in Usa , this influnce his thinking a lot and the way he story telling skills to audience . Lust , Caution this movie is face expresion more important than dialouge . The way he use in this movie a bit same like ZhangYiMao The red lantern. He use our chinese culture very well in the scenes . Majong. Just 4 woman playing Majong , is just a little table and majong , but inside their conversation are cause the alive or dead of a country . majong table same as message and tips for agent . Ang lee make a right desicion for finding Tony leung for the main character is this movie . Tony Leung + Film Noir = perfect . same as Infernall Affairs , the smoking scence + film noir , The feels that give audience is awesome . very artistic .
           And then , that's a article is about Ang Lee making porn movie . just because they feel that too much sex scences in this movie . I dont think so , for me the sex scene is very important , its describe the the characteristic of Mr.Yee . He pretent a gentleman outside ppl but wild when doing sex with Chia zhi . Only like this only can let the audience feel the different characteristics of Mr.Yee and his feeling . It's not just a simple sex scene for audience to watch Tang Wei nude . The struggle in the Chia Zhi inside heart when doing sex . And also the moment she decide to tell the truth to Mr.Yee in Jewerlly shop , she call him to escape . And the end all of the agent die . That's means a Woman actually is a very simple animal . 

           Once she give you her body , that's means she give you her heart also . Not only sex for get information or message or even money .
Relationships between human and the conflict conversatsion types of movie is the best for me . Better than full of VFX effects movie .

